We're Here For You
Great Expectations® for health includes more than 20 wellness, chronic condition and behavioral health programs that focus on the early detection of illness and the prevention of disease.
Members with chronic conditions also receive more targeted educational information and contact with our staff of highly trained health specialists. Those with intensive needs receive care coordination and the support of our caring team of care managers.
You can earn entries in the FOCUSfwd® Wellness Incentive Program Sweepstakes drawings for participating in some of these programs.
What Is Health Coaching?
Health Coaching helps our members achieve their health goals and addresses any health-related concerns they might have. Learn about this invaluable program in our short video.
We Offer Telephonic Health Coaching for Many Common Issues
Health Coaching for Adult ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition that affects both children and adults. ADHD often causes impulsive behaviors, excessive activity and problems with focusing. Because of this, ADHD can cause people to appear forgetful, disorganized or restless.
Almost everyone experiences these things from time to time, but people with ADHD struggle with them every day. Sometimes, this can cause difficulty at work, at home and with social activities.
Managing Your ADHD
There is no cure for ADHD, but it can get better with treatment. The most common treatments include medication, therapy or a combination of the two.
A good treatment plan will include close monitoring by a qualified professional and follow-up care. With treatment, people who struggle with ADHD can lead successful lives.
Getting Help
Companion Benefit Alternatives (CBA) offers professional help for adults with ADHD through care management. CBA is a separate company that manages behavioral health benefits on behalf of BlueChoice® HealthPlan. Care management for adult ADHD is a free, voluntary program.
When you join the program, you’ll work with a clinically trained behavioral care manager. Your care manager can help you better understand ADHD and the best ways for you to manage it.
Through three scheduled phone calls, your care manager will help you:
- Set short- and long-term goals.
- Identify outpatient providers and community resources.
- Access tools for help managing your medications and appointments.
Be sure to check out this booklet for more information. If you or someone you love could benefit from this program, please contact CBA at 800-868-1032, ext. 25835.
The Great Expectations for Anxiety Management is a coaching program that assists members in developing a personalized plan for strategies to better manage their anxiety.
Great Expectations for Asthma helps members learn how to better manage their asthma and improve their quality of life. We automatically enroll all members with asthma at no charge.
Ready to get started? Review the asthma guide for tips to help you get on the road to breathing easier.
Our higher risk members enjoy telephone counseling by respiratory therapists and health educators. All members are welcome to call us with their questions about asthma or their coverage for asthma services, medications and supplies.
Members may receive a free peak flow meter. Good asthma management includes using a peak flow meter every day. To keep track of your peak flow readings, print a copy of the daily diary of peak flow readings.
Asthma can be a serious illness. Fortunately, you can control it with medications and by avoiding your asthma triggers. An important part of asthma management is having an Asthma Action Plan that your doctor has filled out for you. If you don't have one already, you can print a blank Asthma Action Plan or Pediatric Asthma Action Plan (for children) to take with you to your next visit.
Smoking is especially risky for people with asthma. If you smoke and would like help quitting, there are many resources you can access through the Great Expectations for Tobacco Cessation program.
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Other Helpful Links
The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
American Lung Association
American Sleep Apnea Association
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
For Parents of Children with Asthma interactive website for children with asthma and their parents
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
Great Expectations for Back Care was created to help you manage any back pain that may be keeping you from completing daily tasks, being active or just fully enjoying life. This new program provides you with educational tools and support. We want to help you take care of your back!
If you suffer from chronic back pain, you could be considered for case management. Our highly skilled and experienced case managers will work with you to assess your condition and treatment options, coordinate services and assist in helping you understand medical and pharmacy benefits.
Learn more about low back pain:
Back Care Program Guide
Low Back Pain Fact Sheet
Anatomy of the Spine
Know Your Back
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme shifts in a person’s mood and temper. While each individual is unique, there are some common characteristics of bipolar disorder.
Treatment for bipolar disorder can be extremely effective in controlling symptoms. Our coaching program and other resources can help.
Learn More About Our Mental Health Programs
Great Expectations for Case Management is for members who have extraordinary medical needs or conditions. This includes members with advanced stage cancer, severe trauma, multiple chronic conditions, Hepatitis C, brain injury, transplants and neuromuscular diseases.
The Great Expectations for Healthy and Active Kids program will help motivate you and your kids to eat well and stay active. These two important concepts are the focus of this program. The goal is to prevent childhood obesity.
As supportive and encouraging parents, you have the power to influence the decisions that will affect the long-term health of your kids. Healthy habits are best started at an early age.
Did you know that kids should engage in at least one hour of moderately vigorous activity every day? Help them reach that goal by limiting how much “screen time” they have watching television, playing video games or using the computer each day.
Call 855-838-5897 for more information on this and any other Great Expectations for health programs.
Other Helpful Information:
Note: These are independent organizations that provide that provide health information you may find helpful. Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
The Great Expectations for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) program helps members with stages 1 – 3 kidney disease learn how to manage their condition and reduce the risk of developing complications. The program consists of educational materials, individualized telephonic care management and important health reminders.
All members with diabetes are eligible to participate in the Chronic Kidney Disease program. We automatically enroll all eligible members at no charge.
The program emphasizes the importance of having a personal physician to guide your kidney health management. This physician can help you identify the best medications and dosing to enhance your kidney function and improve your quality of life.
Our chronic kidney disease guide also provides tips to help you manage your health and improve your sense of well-being.
Topics include:
- What do you need to know about CKD?
- What causes CKD?
- Five stages.
- What can you do to keep your symptoms under control?
- Don’t neglect your emotional health .
Your kidneys remove waste and other products from your body. When your kidneys become damaged, waste products and fluid can build up in your body. If left untreated, your kidneys may eventually stop working.
Loss of kidney function is a serious and potentially fatal condition. Working with your health care team can help improve your health and reduce your risk for complications, such as heart attacks and strokes.
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
These resources can provide additional information about living well with CKD. These are independent organizations that provide health information you may find helpful.
The National Kidney Foundation
National Kidney Disease Education Program
Note: These links lead to third party websites. Those companies are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
The Great Expectations for COPD program is our educational program for members with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is a chronic disease of the lungs. It really consists of two diseases — chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of COPD, although you can also get it from other environmental factors.
Ready to get started? Review the COPD guide to learn about tips to help you better manage your COPD and improve your quality of life. We enroll all members with COPD at no charge. Members also receive:
- Educational materials about COPD, breathing retraining, medications, diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.
- Information about BlueChoice® HealthPlan's coverage of COPD medications and supplies.
- Telephone counseling by respiratory therapists for our higher risk members.
All members are welcome to call us with their questions about COPD or their coverage for COPD services, medications or supplies.
Managing COPD
COPD can be a serious illness. Fortunately, you can help to manage it with the proper medications and some simple lifestyle changes. If you have COPD, learn how to take action to breathe better now.
An important part of COPD management is having a COPD Action Plan that your doctor has filled out for you. If you don't have one already, you can print a blank one and take it with you to your next visit. Boehringer Ingelheim maintains the COPD Action Plan.
We strongly encourage members enrolled in the program to quit smoking. Although quitting smoking will not reverse lung damage, it will slow the progression of COPD. If you smoke and would like help quitting, there are many resources you can access through the Great Expectations for Tobacco Cessation program.
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Other Helpful Links
American Sleep Apnea Association
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
The Great Expectations for Depression program helps you understand more about depression. We know that depression can be overwhelming, so we provide information and resources to help you manage your depression.
We also can connect you with professionals who can help.
Great Expectations for Diabetes helps members learn how to manage their diabetes better. We educate members about how to reduce their risk of getting complications and improve their quality of life. All members with diabetes are eligible to participate in the diabetes program. We automatically enroll all eligible members at no charge.
Ready to get started?
Review the diabetes guide for information to help you take charge of your diabetes.
What you have access to:
- For our highest-risk members, we provide telephone counseling by staff members who include certified diabetes educators, registered dietitians, nurses and health educators. All members are welcome to call us with their questions about diabetes, or their coverage for diabetes services, medications and supplies.
- Members with diabetes who have a history of diabetes-related foot or leg issues may qualify for diabetic shoes or inserts.
To learn more, contact customer service by calling the number on the back of your member ID card.
What You Need To Do To Stay Healthy
Diabetes can affect many aspects of your life. It can lead to some serious health problems. By working with your health care team, you can stay as healthy as possible.
Visit your personal physician at least twice a year. At each visit, he or she should check:
- Hemoglobin A1c (A1c) — This blood test measures your blood sugar control over the last three months. Check it at least twice a year (more often if out of control). A healthy A1c is 7 percent or lower.
- High blood pressure is more common in people with diabetes. It should be measured at every visit. Your blood pressure should be 140/80 or below.
- Foot care is especially important when you have diabetes. Always take your shoes and socks off as soon as you go into the exam room, to remind your doctor to examine your feet at every office visit.
At least once each year you should have:
- A dilated eye exam. Diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of blindness in adults.
- A blood test to check your lipid (cholesterol) profile. This is important because diabetes increases your risk of developing heart disease.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle:
- Take all of your medications as personal physician prescribes. Learn about your pharmacy benefits.
- Exercise regularly. Be sure and check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.
- Maintain a healthy diet and a healthy weight. If you need help with losing weight, check out the resources available through Great Expectations Weight Management.
- Quit smoking. If you smoke and also have diabetes, you are more likely to develop life-threatening complications. Learn more in the Great Expectations Tobacco Cessation section.
To enroll in a Great Expecations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Other Helpful Links
American Diabetes Association
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
We changed the Great Expectations for Metabolic Health program name to Healthy Living. Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of conditions linked to being overweight or obese.
These conditions may include:
- A large waistline.
- A high triglyceride blood level laboratory value.
- Low HDL “good” cholesterol.
- High blood pressure.
- High fasting blood sugar.
- Pre-diabetes.
The following metabolic health conditions qualify you for our program:
- A diagnosis of pre-diabetes.
- Glucose intolerance.
- Metabolic syndrome.
- Polycystic ovary disease.
- A history of gestational diabetes.
- Other conditions by physician referral.
If you have one of these conditions, we will automatically enroll you in the program, at no charge.
Ready to get started?
Check out the metabolic health guide. It has tips and information to help you take charge of your health and get on the path to wellness.
You may also receive information on how to manage your metabolic health risk factors. This includes helpful information on eating healthy, exercising and losing weight, if you are overweight and managing your blood pressure and cholesterol.
If your doctor recommends you test your blood sugar, we can send you a free monitor. This will allow you to get testing strips at the preferred (middle) copayment, if you have pharmacy benefits with your health plan.
We have a staff of experienced health specialists. They include nurses, registered dietitians and certified diabetes educators. These staff members can answer any questions you have about your condition and how you can lower your risk.
There are a lot of things you can do to manage your metabolic health. People who are overweight are at greater risk for developing diabetes. Consider joining our self-paced weight management program. You can also take advantage of one of the many value-added discounts that come with your membership.
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Great Expectations for Heart Disease helps members learn how to better manage their heart disease. We automatically enroll all members with heart disease at no charge.
Great Expectations for Heart Failure helps members learn how to better manage their congestive heart failure (HF). We automatically enroll all BlueChoice HealthPlan members with HF at no charge.
Great Expectations for High Blood Pressure is an educational program for members who want to learn more about managing high blood pressure and making lifestyle changes to manage important cardiovascular risk factors.
Great Expectations for High Cholesterol is an educational program for members who want to learn more about how to lower their cholesterol levels and make lifestyle changes to manage important cardiovascular risk factors.
Ready to get started?
Review the high cholesterol guide to help you take charge of your cholesterol and get on the path to living a healthier life.
Benefits of Participating:
- You’ll receive access to online education and reminders for needed care.
- Our staff of experienced care managers — including cardiac nurses and health educators — are available to answer your questions and offer support.
- Depending upon your condition, you may receive phone calls from a care manager to help you set personal health goals to manage your high cholesterol.
Online Educational Resources
- My Life Check Assessment will help you identify simple steps to improve your heart health and quality of life.
Important Steps You Can Take To Manage High Cholesterol
- Control your cholesterol. High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for developing heart disease, stroke and heart attack. If your cholesterol level is high, you can usually lower it with a heart-healthy diet, exercise and, if needed, medication. Please have your cholesterol tested as ordered by your physician or other health care provider.
Cholesterol Goals:
- Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL
- HDL (“good” cholesterol): 50 mg/dL or higher
- LDL (bad cholesterol): Less than 100 mg/dL
- Total cholesterol: Less than 200 mg/dL
- Manage other health conditions and diseases. Such conditions could include high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and pre-diabetes. Work with your primary care doctor on the best plan of care for you and take medications as prescribed. Ask your doctor if taking an aspirin (or baby aspirin) daily is right for you.
- Know your body mass index (BMI). BMI takes into account your height and weight and is a good indicator of whether your weight is in a healthy range or if you may be overweight or obese.
- Lose excess weight if you are overweight. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for heart disease. If you need help with losing weight, check out the resources available in the Great Expectations for Weight Management section.
- Exercise regularly. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. It can strengthen your heart muscle, even if it’s just for 20 - 30 minutes on most days. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program to discuss what type of exercise is best for you.
- Quit smoking. Smoking constricts your blood vessels and reduces the size of your arteries. This increases your risk for a heart attack. If you need help quitting smoking, check out the resources available in the Great Expectations for Tobacco Cessation section.
- Manage stress. Prolonged stress can have many negative effects on your body.
- Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol intake may affect your heart health. Talk to your doctor about how much alcohol (if any) is okay for you.
- Keep your scheduled visits with your doctor or other health care professionals. Get your blood work and other tests done as ordered. Take all your medications your doctor prescribes. Work with your doctor to get your LDL cholesterol under 100, if you have heart disease.
- Follow a heart-healthy meal plan. Foods lower in fat and sodium are healthier for your heart. Use these resources for tips to help you choose delicious and satisfying foods that are also good for you!
- Learn your heart attack risk.
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
Give Your Baby a Great Start!
Congratulations! Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can be overwhelming. You’ll experience many changes and emotions — and you will have questions. Our Maternity Welcome Newsletter addresses some of those, and the Great Expectations for Maternity Program provides you with information and support throughout your pregnancy.
How to Enroll
The Great Expectations for Maternity Program is open to all eligible, expectant members. Enrolling is easy! Your obstetrician or primary care physician will contact us, and we will then send you an invitation to join the program.
Alternatively, you can self-enroll by simply calling 855-838-5897 and completing a quick assessment. The assessment allows us to better understand your needs so we can tailor the program to you.
Once enrolled, you have access to maternity case managers who are registered nurses with experience in obstetrics. If you have questions, you can call a care manager for an answer. You will receive additional materials throughout your pregnancy to:
- Help you understand what’s going on at specific points in your pregnancy.
- Know what to expect at doctor’s appointments.
- Learn how to add your baby to your policy.
- Provide tips for a healthy pregnancy.
- Give you information about breastfeeding, nutrition and more.
There is even a tobacco cessation program for moms-to-be. Call 855-838-5897 today!
Need More Help?
With Text4baby, you get free messages each week on your cell phone to help you through your pregnancy and your baby's first year. Text4baby is an educational program of the National Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, an independent company that offers health information on behalf of BlueChoice® HealthPlan.
More resources and helpful information can be found in our Maternity Third Trimester Newsletter and Maternity Postpartum Newsletter, as well as our video explaining how maternity coaching works.
Other helpful resources:
- Before You're Pregnant
- Breastfeed Versus Bottle-Feed?
- Immunizations
- Just for Dad
- March of Dimes
- Preparing for the Arrival of Your Newborn
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Safe Sleep for Your Baby
Note: This article contains some links that lead to third party sites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
Great Expectations for Migraines is a program to help members who suffer from severe, recurrent headaches. The program emphasizes the importance of having a personal physician to guide your headache management. This doctor can help you identify the best medications and dosing to control your headache pain and improve your quality of life.
Our migraine guide also provides tips to help you manage your migraines and improve your sense of well-being. And our Migraine FAQ answers some basic questions about migraines.
It's also important for people who suffer from headaches to try to identify things that might trigger them. One way to do this is by keeping a headache diary. Additionally, a helpful website for migraine information is the American Migraine Foundation.
Here are some handouts, produced by GlaxoSmithKline. GlaxoSmithKline is an independent company that provides wellness education on behalf of BlueChoice® HealthPlan. This information is for educational use only and not intended as a substitute for medical care. Please consult with your physician for advice regarding your particular condition.
- What Is Migraine?
- Work With Your Doctor to Manage Your Migraines
- Migraine Medicines
- Lessen the Impact of Migraine
- Migraine Triggers
- Common Migraine Questions
- Migraine Diary
- Headache Resource
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
Having a baby can be one of the most exciting and rewarding events in your life. It can be very stressful too. For many women it’s a time of confusion, fear and sadness. That’s why depression during and after pregnancy is a common problem.
The Great Expectations for Moms Support program is here to help moms suffering from depression.
How Do I Know if I Am Depressed?
Many new mothers will experience the baby blues. The baby blues are perfectly normal and usually go away within a couple weeks. The symptoms of depression last longer and are more severe than the baby blues.
You could have a more serious condition if you experience any of these symptoms:
- Feeling sad, anxious or overwhelmed.
- Feeling overwhelmed with normal tasks.
- Feeling angry, irritable or helpless.
- Fear you might harm yourself or your baby.
- Fear of being left alone.
- Regret having a baby.
- Trouble sleeping.
- Isolating yourself from friends and family.
- Difficulty concentrating.
Certain factors may increase your risk of depression during and after your pregnancy. If you have a personal or a family history of depression or anxiety disorder, you may be at a higher risk. You may be more likely to have symptoms of depression if you had problems with previous pregnancies. Women who have depression during pregnancy are also more likely to have symptoms postpartum.
What Should I Do If I Have Symptoms of Depression?
Depression can interfere with your ability to function, including your ability to care for yourself and your child. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible if you are suffering from any of the symptoms. Don’t wait.
Care Management Works
Treatment for depression works and help is available. Our care managers can offer you extra support while helping you get your life back to normal. We do this by:
- Providing guidance and support through scheduled phone calls.
- Setting short- and long term goals throughout the recovery process.
- Identifying facilities and providers to best suit the mother’s needs.
- Supplying family members with educational resources to better help their loved one.
You are not alone. With early treatment and support, you can get back on the road to happy motherhood.
No Cost to You!
Our Moms Support Program is available to you for free, as part of your behavioral health care coverage. There are no hidden charges, fees or copayments. If you decide the program is not right for you, you can leave at any time.
To enroll in the Great Expectations for Moms Support program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness, then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
We offer the Great Expectations for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) case management program to educate and support the parents of infants with certain medical needs or conditions.
This includes, but is not limited to complications associated with premature birth, congenital birth defects, seizures, cystic fibrosis and genetic disorders. We provide this value-added service at no charge just for being a member of BlueChoice HealthPlan.
When you or a loved one begins the journey to healthier living, we want you to know you are not alone. Companion Benefit Alternatives (CBA) offers a Recovery Support Program for members and their families through care management.
CBA is a separate company that manages behavioral health benefits on behalf of BlueChoice HealthPlan. The Recovery Support Program is a free, voluntary program.
Recovery is a process that requires ongoing maintenance. The program is built around supporting you through your recovery, one day at a time. We’ll help you plan for success and help you stay focused on your goals for healthy living.
You’ll work one-on-one with a specialized behavioral care manager. Because everyone’s journey is different, your care manager will help you create a personalized action plan to help you overcome the challenges of addiction.
Through scheduled phone calls, your care manager will help you:
- Set short- and long-term goals for sobriety.
- Identify risky behaviors and relapse triggers.
- Develop coping strategies to deal with cravings.
- Get support and encouragement to help you feel better and face the future with confidence.
If you or someone you love could benefit from this program, please contact CBA at 800-868-1032, ext. 25835.
Tobacco Cessation
Nicotine is a highly addictive drug, and many people find they need help quitting tobacco.
Great Expectations for Tobacco Cessation can help you kick the habit. We provide information and resources to support you as you become tobacco-free.
To get started read the Tobacco Cessation Guide.
You can also access information about the South Carolina Tobacco Quitline, a great, free resource for members who live in South Carolina.
To enroll in a Great Expectations program or for more information about care management and access to helpful resources, log in to My Health Toolkit® and select Health and Wellness then Health Coaching.
You can also call us at 855-838-5897.
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
We know that changing your eating and exercise habits can be tough. Each year, Americans invest billions of dollars in weight-loss diets and gimmicks with disappointing results.
But how do you ensure success? By making slow, gradual changes that can last a lifetime. That’s why we offer our members the Weight Management program, a program that uses proven strategies to help you make lasting changes that lead to long-term results.
With Great Expectations for Weight Management, you have access to My Health NovelSM, a personalized program that includes digital tools and support from proven health solutions.
You'll be matched with helpful resources and tools based on your specific health needs. Whether you're interested in starting new healthy habits or maintaining your weight, the Weight Management program gives you access to care management, nutrition guidance, digital tools, group support and more to keep you on track.
Ready to get started on your weight-loss goals?
- Log in to your My Health Toolkit® account.
- Select Benefits, then My Health Novel.
- Take a quick, one-minute assessment.
- You’ll receive your recommended programs and resources available to you.
Finally, be sure to review our Weight Management guide to learn about small steps that can lead to lasting results on your weight loss journey. And don't forget to check out special discounts offered to you as a member for certain fitness centers and more.
Other Helpful Links
Aim for a Healthy Weight
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Note: Some links on this page lead to third party websites. Those parties are solely responsible for the contents and privacy policies on their sites.
Programs By Category

With You Wherever You Go
Your favorite features from the website are now available in a mobile app. With the My Health Toolkit® app, you can:
View and share your digital ID card.
Check the status of your claims.
Confirm your coverage for services.
Find a doctor or hospital in your network.
And more!